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institute for supply management中文是什么意思

用"institute for supply management"造句"institute for supply management"怎么读"institute for supply management" in a sentence


  • 供应管理协会


  • The institute for supply management , usa
  • A widely watched index from the institute for supply management showed manufacturing was unexpectedly strong in april
  • The institute for supply management releases its may factory survey on wednesday , which is followed by the monthly jobs report on friday
  • While germany and japan continued to show a weak performance , in the us the institute for supply management s manufacturing index had increased sharply
  • On wednesday , the institute for supply management will release its index of u . s . non - manufacturing activity for june , which will give a reading on the services sector
  • The institute for supply management ' s manufacturing index rose to 56 . 0 in june from 55 . 0 in may , while the index of non - manufacturing activity rose to 60 . 7 in june from 59 . 7 in may , against expectations of a slight fall
    供应管理学会制造业指数由5月份的55 . 0上升至6月份的56 . 0 ,非制造业活动指数则由5月份的59 . 7上升至60 . 7 ,和市场原以为会轻微下跌的预期相反。
用"institute for supply management"造句  
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